Boys & Girls Leagues
Boys & Girls Leagues
(Game Schedule & Team Rosters to be posted after registration has been completed)
At this time, the High School Boys Division is nearing it's maximum capacity. To avoid going beyond capacity, we have set the system to force everyone to a waiting list. Please click on the "Register" link below to add your child to the waiting list. We are monitoring the list daily and will remove players off the waiting list one by one until we reach our capacity. You will be notified if you have been removed from the waiting list so that you can make the payment to complete the registration.
At this time, the High School Boys Division is nearing it's maximum capacity. To avoid going beyond capacity, we have set the system to force everyone to a waiting list. Please click on the "Register" link below to add your child to the waiting list. We are monitoring the list daily and will remove players off the waiting list one by one until we reach our capacity. You will be notified if you have been removed from the waiting list so that you can make the payment to complete the registration.
(Player Evaluations are only open to REGISTERED players)
Volunteer coaches are need to coach the teams. Please complete the volunteer coaching application for.
This intramural league is a great opportunity for 9th-12th graders to stay active and play good, recreational basketball each week. Sportsmanship and teamwork will be encouraged. This age group does not have regular scheduled practices. Just games.
REGISTER EARLY! Space will be limited and a waiting list will be started once we have reached our maximum number of registrants. Unfortunately, we have turned players away in the past so please register early.
Note: We may not have enough girls to field a program. Sometimes we combine them in with the middle school girls. Sometimes we schedule weekly games. It all depends on registration numbers. Tell your friends.
This intramural league is a great opportunity for 9th-12th graders to stay active and play good, recreational basketball each week. Sportsmanship and teamwork will be encouraged. This age group does not have regular scheduled practices. Just games.
REGISTER EARLY! Space will be limited and a waiting list will be started once we have reached our maximum number of registrants. Unfortunately, we have turned players away in the past so please register early.
Note: We may not have enough girls to field a program. Sometimes we combine them in with the middle school girls. Sometimes we schedule weekly games. It all depends on registration numbers. Tell your friends.
- A Player Evaluation (Date TBA) will allow us to divide players into evenly matched teams.
- The games will run from December to about the middle of March (including playoffs)
- Each team will play at least 10 including playoffs.
- Games will take place on the weekends at the Fishkill Recreation Center. (some weeknight games possible)
- Most games will be located at the Fishkill Recreation Center but there may be some games at other local locations.
- This program is for games only. Regular scheduled practices will not be scheduled.
- Note: Due to lack of registration, high school girls' divisions may need to be grouped with younger girls (ie. 6th-9th graders) to field enough for a team(s).
- Residents: $150* per player
- Non-Residents: $160* per player
- Late Fee: $25 applied after November 1
- (Note: Registration may be full before 11/1)
- Refunds can only be given if a player withdraws prior to his/her Player Evaluation.
- Refunds are not given if a player withdraws after Player Evaluations have been conducted.
- The "Merchant Service Charge" applied to credit/debit card transaction can not be refunded no matter what the reason.